Insurance ? Everybody needs it, but nobody wants it.
"It wasn't raining when Noah started building the Ark"
And if you are one of those lucky one who never had anything happen to them, then
I have good news for You, the monthly insurance premium can be much more favourable for you than for those who weren`t so lucky.
You can start from the best place.
You have to start building your own "Ark" now before the rain comes.
Life is unpredictable,
Illnesses and accidents can happen to anyone, regardless of age or gender.
Insurance doesn't protect you from the pain, but at least it compensates you financially.
I guarantee that I will do my best to find a product that most suitable for your protection needs.
It is also possible to get insurance with an existing condition.

I will always try to put together the most comprehensive "Safety net" for your personalised situation, based on a pre-agreed budget.
I will only look for a types of insurance that you have confirmed previously.
If, due to an additional benefit, I might not recommend the cheapest option, I will provide a full explanation of the benefits and why it is worth to have it, but the final decision is yours.
What goes around, comes around..
I deeply believe that honesty pays off, and a long-term partnership can only be built on trust and professionalism.
That's why I decided to become an adviser, Who is :
Thinks long-term and does not disappear after You have signed the contract,
Only bothers You if he has to "do business with you", (i.e. he has found the product for you or a better one has just released on the market)
Does not pressure or push a product on you just to get a higher commission.

Mike Koszo
Protection Adviser
Life is a continuous journey filled with changes and unexpected challenges. As a father, I fully understand the importance of family and the inner peace that comes with knowing our loved ones are safe. We all strive to create a stable and bright future for our families, but life has taught me that it is unpredictable, and even the slightest disruption can bring down the most perfectly built house of cards.
Most of my clients come to me when some unforeseen event has occurred in their lives, such as health issues like cancer, heart problems, high blood pressure, or diabetes. It's crucial to understand that these illnesses are not age-specific, they can occur at any time, even in younger age.

The loss of an old friend reinforced my own experiences in this regard. He sadly passed at the age of 39, despite a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise. This unfortunate incident highlighted the uncertainty of life and the importance of taking proactive steps before something goes wrong.
That's precisely why I am here as an insurance advisor. My goal is to help you and your family to plan ahead and build adequate security for every life situation.
Recently, I joined an amazing Firm that enables me to support my clients with cheaper premiums and a broader range of products. Additionally, I have gained access to unique products that can help clients to obtain Life Covers and Income Protection, even with pre-existing conditions.
By understanding your unique needs and circumstances, we can create personalized and reliable insurance plans to support your family in need, protect your assets, and ensure your financial stability.

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